Farming Entrepreneurs can attest that greenhouse farming is an investment worthwhile, benefitting from high, quality crop yields.
Greenhouses are used as an advanced way of commercial farming. They offer the feature of environmental control allowing you to create the best possible growing/ production conditions for optimal plant performance and yields. These environmental elements include insect and pest control, light/shade control, humidity control as well as irrigation and fertigation efficiency.
Greenhouses offer control of the vegetative growth, blossoming, fruit size and quality, also extending the production period for continuous harvesting. Another excellent advantage of greenhouse farming is that it minimizes the use of pesticides and insecticides, therefore, exposure to chemical toxins is reduced.
Greenhouses work exceptionally well especially with the implementation of the right irrigation system and equipment. Here at Jamaica Drip Irrigation, we provide quality greenhouses and a variety of irrigation options to match different crops and growing methods. These include:
A quality greenhouse, with the right supplies and equipment, we can truly grow what we eat and eat what we grow!
Special thanks for pictures contributed by Jamaican farmers and greenhouse operators Mr. Hopeton Singh (1st picture showing tomato cultivation) and Mr. Troy Chambers (pictures above showing a) peppers and b) tomato plants with microtube irrigation).